Neuromarketing. Behavioural Economics. Marketing Psychology.
You’ve likely seen these terms more frequently these days. Despite their differences, these terms ALL have emotion at their core.
Think about your last large purchase. Do you think it was a logical or an emotional decision?
In October 2017, behavioural economist, Richard Thaler, won the Nobel Prize for proving that people are anything but rational when it comes to decision-making. While economic theory presumed for years that people behave rationally, he proved that emotions are what really incite action.
Richard Thaler’s Nobel Prize underscores the importance of understanding that consumers make financial and purchase decisions using processes that aren’t based on logic and calculation.
Have you noticed a trend toward using more non-conscious factors in advertising and marketing? While products like fragrances and fashion have always focused on emotion, the vast majority of marketers continue to talk about product features and benefits.
This information is sometimes necessary but often doesn’t close the sale. This is changing fast for sure.
Books like Dan Ariely’s “Predictably Irrational”, Daniel Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast and Slow”, and “Brainfluence” showed marketers that customer decisions aren’t usually driven by logic.
Instead, tools like priming, anchoring, framing, social proof, and dozens of others can make your offer more appealing and increase conversions.
Every marketing strategy today should not just consider emotions. Emotions should be a necessity in our Marketing strategy.
What emotions would you like your clients to experience when dealing with your company? How can you reinforce it at every touchpoint of your customer journey?
PS: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou