How often do we feel we have too many choices? But ironically we hear: I didn’t have a choice as often.
Let’s look at quality ⭐️ over quantity 💰 choice. When I work with clients on helping them with creating merchandise ranges for their brand the price/budget is one of the questions that we consider.
Let’s say they are looking for a pen 🖊. Then the next question is: how much is the pen?
Or well, we have a few (hundreds) options.
Some pens are $2,00. Made in China. They look and feel that price. Cheap pen.
Then it’s Made in Germany or Italy pen. Stylish, quality, heavier in weight and nice to write with. How much? Starting from $5.00.
Then it’s Parker pen. Trusted brand, great quality, presented in a de-bossed gift box. Made in France. Cost $50-$150, depending on the style.
Then it’s. Montblanc. I have seen people being upset for weeks, after losing THIS pen. Understandably. This pen is unmistakable elegance & exquisite craftsmanship. Cost $1,000 +
All the above have the same name: it’s a pen.
Each pen has a different purpose. My question is always: WHO is it for? WHAT is it for?
Have you ever been gifted something cheap? How did you feel? 😠
Have you ever been gifted something that feels amazing, looks amazing and makes you happy every time you use it? 😄
What’s better? Buy 500 cheap pens at $2.00 or buy 100 pens at $10 each?
If we start with a question: HOW do we like the receiver to feel? The choice might be easier to make.
What are your thoughts? 💭
As always if you need help with strategic gifting or promotional products for your brand get in touch. Ask me for a FREE Purpose Before Product Ebook.
PS: “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.” – Benjamin Franklin